Cowardly Custard Creams: Unacceptable


Most of you will know that I am new to the blogging world and thus far I have been very lucky to receive nothing but pleasant and encouraging comments, in fact I am so naive that I hadn’t even heard of trolling. Of course I knew there were some lonely nasty people in the world who like nothing more than to belittle or denigrate other people’s feelings, but I didn’t expect to find them taking the time to comment on other peoples blog posts. One thing I have learnt in the last few weeks is that it takes enormous courage to write about yourself and your family, or to share opinions and circumstances that might not be to everyone’s’ taste. I never feel concerned sharing a funny post, but those where I lay my heart open leave me at risk of being hurt by these awful people.

I was first alerted to ‘trolls’ by a fellow Mummy who congratulated me on my review of the Tommee Tippee Perfect Prep, she asked if I had received any negative comments. I was surprised until I read her perfectly innocuous review and the follow-up comments. One lady was belligerent, she just kept coming back, throwing comment after comment at this poor blogger. Telling her she was endangering her child and that she was basically a terrible mother! WTF I thought, how can this awful woman be so vehement over something that in all honesty has nothing to do with her? Would she be this rude to this Mum’s face if she met her? I doubt it very much, but the internet and social media has provided a platform for this type of abuse. Whilst I love social media and blogging, I can’t stand the fact that people can hide behind their computer and spit bile at people with no recourse for their actions. When did it become acceptable to speak to people with such disrespect and anger?

I then found myself climbing on my moral pedestal a few days later when a lovely blogger linked up to #PuddingLove with a post describing how someone she had considered a friend begun to abuse her over the internet. This lovely mum had merely commented her opinion of immunisations and that sparked a huge backlash from the non-vaccinator corner, calling her an awful mum, saying she had caused her sons autism and generally horrible remarks. One even stated she should ‘get off the planet’. I could feel myself start to rage for this Mum, how dare anyone say such terrible things. As mothers we carry round enough guilt as it is without being cyber-judged by other people. Are people so passionate about the things that they believe in that they have forgotten how to treat other people? What happened to a moderate society and free speech? Everyone is living in fear of terrorists and fundamentalists, yet I can see everyday people so wrapped up in their own beliefs that they can’t see another’s point of view or they just plain forget how to be kind to each other. The point of free speech is that everyone has the right to talk and be heard without being squashed and silenced by others.

My last case in point was when a fellow blogger explained that she was upset that one of her followers was complaining about how many times she shared her blog links on twitter. OK not a big deal, quick apology and an explanation should suffice yes? No, this other twitter user had to make a big deal out of it and make this blogger feel like they were grabby and attention seeking when in all honesty they were just doing what we all do and that is advertising their latest post, because in most twitter feeds a tweet only has a short life span because everyone has loads of followers. Don’t we all get annoyed about things? But is it society these days that we just have to say we are annoyed? Can’t we just turn a blind eye?  Learn to accept the things that cannot be changed or in all honesty don’t matter? Why have we become a society where we feel its acceptable to be rude and unappreciative of another persons hard work. I can’t imagine my parents or grandparents behaving like this, and not just because they didn’t have the technology but because they knew that it is fundamentally wrong to be mean to someone just for the sake of being mean.

We have to teach our children about living in a world that is over run with social media and communication apps. A world where everything can be shared in seconds and that once it is out there it is there forever. Just because you can’t see that persons face or you don’t know them in the flesh doesn’t give you the right to be unkind or unfair. If you don’t like what someones written, you don’t have to be compelled to comment or join in the debate in a malicious way. I am not saying don’t have an opinion, but going back to that early teaching from your own mother ‘if you have nothing nice to say then say nothing at all’. Criticism can be helpful, lively debate is fun, but meanness for the sake of it is unnecessary and just makes you a coward. If you wouldn’t say it to someones face then don’t write it down, just because it’s in text form it doesn’t make it ok.



Photo Credit: Leo Reynolds via Compfight cc

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Post Comment Love

Still not a Swiss Roll, But I have Big Love for Pie

Hey Pudding Fans,

See what I did there? I got a little sports reference in, Dad would be proud. Speaking of Dad he made me sit and watch the FA cup semi-final on Saturday, apparently he was supposed to be giving me my bed time bottle but it wasn’t very relaxing! He kept jumping out of the chair and making me almost wet myself with his over-enthusiastic shouting. Mummy just tutted at him, it’s ok for her she wasn’t the one who nearly drowned on several occasions. I am only 4 months but I already have an inkling that I won’t be a huge football fan…

What I am a fan of though (other than parsnip) is my big brother Pie, he is awesome 😆, he is probably the only one who understands what it is like living in this mad house with these ridiculous dogs. He is getting pretty good at communicating my needs to mother, although I do get a little indignant when he tells me I am a ‘grumpy poo pants with grumpy bits!’ I mean how is a girl supposed to react to such a statement? I have managed to accept this crazy Harry Potter phase and we now regularly curl up together while he watches it, still not a great lover of wands though. Probably because there is always that fear that I might lose an eye (a fear shared by mother dearest).

I think this week Mum may have lost her mind slightly as she brought this crazy thing downstairs and hung it in a door frame then put me in it! There I was suspended, barely touching the floor. I did a few little bounces and she thought that was great but then Toby (that giraffe stealing sausage) licked my face so I clouted him on the nose (that was revenge for Sophie). Pie decided that what I needed was for him to bounce me which ended up in me getting cross and vomiting on the carpet in a moment of protest, suffice to say I don’t think Mum will be trying that out again anytime soon!

I would like to say that I had an update regarding the rolling – but as of yet I have not been able to work the magic. The elusive rolling, remains a mystery to me. Pie has been ‘helping’ but again not a great ending (more sick more  cross Pudding). Mum says I will get there – but when, it’s just so frustrating, there are so many naughty things I could be getting up to if I could just move. Saying that I am hoping to really catch her off guard and roll off her bed one morning while she is putting her knickers on…

Anyway enough rambling from me – mum says its parsnip for tea and as you know this girl loves a bit of parsnip!

Love Pudding xx

Petite Pudding
Cuddle Fairy

Lost: Me

I am supposed to be finishing my post for one of my favourite linkys’ #ChuckleMums, but I don’t feel much like chuckling this morning. I have been fighting the invisible hand of postnatal depression all weekend again. It’s always there, some days are better and I don’t contemplate legging it from the house with just my car keys for company. But this weekend it’s just sat there like an impenetrable fog. Not helped by being full of cold, which is miserable even at the best of times. I have stuck a brave face on it and carried on with the usual mundane housework, laundry and meeting all of the children’s needs, an outsider would probably not even notice there is anything wrong. But I can feel it bubbling inside me, quietly simmering beneath the surface ready to explode about something (most likely trivial) how it will manifest itself  will depend on who opens the box! If it’s Pie it usually comes out as rage but if it’s my mum or a friend it’s likely to be a flood of tears and a torrent of unintelligible words.

I am hoping that this week might be the start of getting to grips with my feelings after Puddings birth. I have an appointment with Acacia who are a postnatal depression charity that run all sorts of helpful sessions. Looking forward to talking to someone and feeling able to be honest without being judged for not enjoying the kids.  Because it’s not about that, I love them both dearly, I just don’t feel like me anymore. Most days I feel as if I am living through Groundhog Day, I know that raising small children can be quite repetitive and that this is just a fact of life when you are a mother, but it’s definitely a fact I need some help to accept. I don’t know what the sessions at Acacia will be like, that makes me anxious but I hope that they will start to untie this guilty knot that’s still inside me. Things are better than they were a few weeks ago but I don’t think I am quite there yet…

As for the for the #chucklemums post? This is Pudding HQ something is bound to happen before lunchtime that will be worthy of featuring in a funny linky!

Love Pudding’s Mum

Pink Pear Bear
My Random Musings

Blogging: 1 Month In

We celebrated our first month blogging this last week and I have to say it’s been great. I started Petite Pudding when I felt myself disappearing down into the postnatal depression plug hole. I had always found writing as an outlet and the idea of blogging my journey and providing useful information to other mums seemed like a perfect remedy. I have discovered a fantastic network of mums out there all bringing their own style to the blogging world. To have hit 800 Twitter followers in just a few weeks seems amazing to me, I didn’t even know how to tweet 5 weeks ago!

I love taking part in the link-ups, accessing all those great posts, particularly #KCACOLS (always get such wonderful comments) hosted by @withfranca and the new #chucklemums hosted by @whingewine @mumzilla always gets me to giggle. Being featured post on the #BigPinkLink was a real high point, thank you @pinkpearbear and @thismumslife. You guys made my week! The MADs are shortlisted this week and I was so grateful to be nominated, even though the blog is ineligible this year, it still felt great. I still can’t believe how helpful and friendly the blogging world is and I owe a big thanks to @cuddlefairy @parentingjungle @mummyinatutu and @animperfectmum who have really helped me with my blogging education in these first few weeks, those #tribalchat evenings have been a great place to learn 😊.

I never really knew how addictive blogging could be and I find myself checking stats all the time, tweeting and commenting or planning blog posts. I could easily become totally obsessed and forget about the children, luckily Mr Pudding keeps my head in the parenting game. I never thought I would love getting to grips with the coding side, but it totally appeals to my analytical side! 

I made a huge decision this week to move my site from Weebly to WordPress, it’s not been an easy transition and trying to get people redirected to the new site is an ongoing issue. Hopefully this will move be the right decision for the future, but for now I am just enjoying my new found blogging passion!

Fancy a coffee friday

Pudding HQ – A Watery Disaster


Photo Credit: <a href="">PhillMono</a> via <a href="">Compfight</a> <a href="">cc</a>

It all began a few days ago when my lovely neighbour popped round to ask about some water that was gathering on her patio, she was very nice and came to see if we were having the same problem, we weren’t, hooray I thought! You see when we moved into Pudding HQ 2 years ago we moved into find a free swimming pool had appeared in the garden. After some investigation it turned out to be a leak from the water main and £600 later and a very wet muddy garden it was repaired. Fast forward 3 months and I noticed that the garden had begun to look a little like beaver falls again, called out the guys and low and behold the pipe had sprung a leak in a different place! Another £600 later and all was well again (apart from the mud and lack of lawn!)

This morning the chaps came to investigate my neighbours leak, having removed the fence panel (and consequently destroying a small buddha!) they began to dig in earnest… Imagine then my total dismay when they called me out to the garden to explain that their ‘exploratory’ hole had indeed found the source of the leak (thank goodness it was in fact just on the neighbours side) however; that hasn’t stopped a hole the size of china being dug in my garden or the now exceptionally boggy area of gravel  by the back door because it was easier to fix it from my side… Of course living in a victorian terrace you expect some old clanky pipe work but seriously if Pudding HQ was a boat it would have sank months ago with the amount of leaks we have had.

The leaks aren’t just contained to the outside unfortunately, the bathroom has been refurbished due to a leaky pipe and now we are currently awaiting the kitchen and dining room floors to be repaired following a slow water leak from behind the kitchen sink. It’s like I am destined to grow flippers and become semi-aquatic!

Luckily this time the outside work wasn’t ours, and maybe this will be the last leak we will have. Alternatively Pudding HQ may just suddenly disappear into a large sink hole and that will be the last you ever hear of us ever again…


Photo Credit: PhillMono via Compfight cc

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