Bottle Feeding Wizard

Photo Credit: steffen_brauer via Compfight cc

Photo Credit: steffen_brauer via Compfight cc

Bottle feeders are welcome here, we at Petite Pudding don’t believe that only breastfeeding Mummys’ need support, its not like babies come with an instruction leaflet however you choose to feed them!
You might not have the same issues but there are still things to consider, after all just how many types of formula are there out? And bottles! Every shape and size and all claim to be accepted by every baby and reduce colic, seriously its a mine field. Then once you have selected your formula and your bottles there is the slight question of how to make up the bottle and store it and what to do when you want to be out longer than a few hours and nobody get me started on the constant battle that is sterilisation. If anybody ever tells you that bottle feeding your baby is the easy way out, they have clearly never done it! I have put together what I hope is an essential guide to bottle feeding and a couple of stories of my own that I think most of you bottle feeders will be able to relate to at some point.