The Rise & Fall of Sophie…


Morning Folks!

Today is a sad day at Pudding HQ – my beloved Sophie La Giraffe has fallen victim to the jaws of our sausage dog Toby. It all happened so fast one minute I was holding her in my high chair, happily sucking on her face when she fell from my hand. She had barely hit the floor before that naughty sausage gathered her up and ran like lightening to his bed, Mummy hadn’t seen it happen by the time she realised  why I was wailing it was too late!

There was a tussle between Mummy and Toby, she wrestled Sophie from his jaws, she looked ok, no obvious damage, result I thought! Mum cleaned her off and sterilised her but alas that dog had some how managed to remove the squeaker 😦 I am not surprised that dog is a squeak removing machine…

I knew he had been after Sophie for days, Mummy kept telling him it was mine but he was watching and waiting. Toby took advantage of Mummy sorting out Pie ready for preschool and now Sophie is a shadow of her former self… Mum says she will get me a new one, but it won’t be the same, it has taken me ages to bond with this Sophie, she can’t just be replaced.

My first love is lost at the tender age of 3 months, I feel an emptiness inside…. oooh look there is my hand! Gotta go that hand isn’t going to watch itself!

Love Pudding xxx



Photo Credit: jenny hair via Compfight cc

11 thoughts on “The Rise & Fall of Sophie…

  1. islandliving365 says:

    Oh poor pudding! We had one of those and I managed to leave it behind in a cafe. I think I was more upset then baby as I seem to rememebr that they were quite expensive! I hope you manage to get a new Sophie for pudding 🙂 #chucklemums

    Liked by 1 person

  2. busyirishmammyblog says:

    Oh no. I would have to emigrate the country if anything happened to small boys Sophie. Think it’s practically glued to his hand at times #chucklemums

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  3. Baby Anon says:

    Oh no, not Soph! You poor thing. I too love the squeaky giraffe and I light up when she squeaks my way. Sophie often talks to me about my teeth and how great they’re going to be when I’m in a bit of pain. Hope you get a new one soon Pudding x #chucklemums

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